Kitchen 2-for-1’s

by Brenna Stull | 9:29 AM in , , |

I don't like to cook. Having a full-time cook would not rob me of any joy, in fact. The thing that motivates me to cook is calculating each night what it would cost for my family of seven to eat that same meal out at a restaurant. When I realize I'm saving $75, I do get motivated.

Although my husband is the better cook, there is one thing I do make really well and actually enjoy making. They are round cinnamon roll rings.

My mother and grandmother always made them for Thanksgiving and Christmas breakfast. With the invention of breadmakers, I am carrying on the tradition. I usually make about 50 rings over the Christmas season to give away as gifts.

It is a time-intensive effort to make a ring, but when I can multiply my efforts and make ten to twelve all in one day, I feel empowered. Especially when parchment paper covers my pans so that I don’t have a mess to clean up afterward. This year I set up an extra table in my garage and plugged in all four breadmakers. I even kept some of the ingredients handy in between baking days.

What recipe do you have that you could double or triple to make for more kitchen efficiency?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

“Dear Father, may all our work in our homes be done as unto you, so that even the most seemingly insignificant job finds purpose. Give us wisdom and insight to work smart and with joy. Amen.”

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  1. shelley on February 6, 2009 at 8:23 AM

    i read about something interesting the other day but haven't tried it. you partner with 3 other families and each are assigned a day of the week (monday - thursday). on your night you cook for all the families and deliver. this way you only cook one week night. interesting

  2. Brenna Stull on February 10, 2009 at 6:17 PM

    Yes, Shelley,

    I considered joining a group in my neighborhood like this when we lived in Phoenix. At the time my kids were 1,3,5, 8 and 9 and I just wasn't sure I could consistently "deliver" (literally).

    I think this could be a fantastic thing. I would think each family would submit some possible menus and agree ahead of time on what works. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have dinner delivered to you three nights of the week???

    At this point, with the size of my family, I might have to pitch in two meals a week for everyone else's one...but still wouldn't it be great?

    I would love to hear some specifics from others who have actually been a part of a group like this.